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Diesel forklifts 5.0 - 7.0 tons

Brand: HC / Hangcha
Type: XF series 5.0 - 7.0t
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If your job is to handle heavy loads, or you only occasionally need to move a heavy load, we recommend you take a look at our offer - 5.0-7.0 ton diesel forklifts from HC or HANGCHA. These offered trucks are developed and adapted to work with large and heavy loads. All diesel forklifts in this category can be retrofitted with two assemblies, so-called "tupláky", for better load distribution and handling of such heavy loads. They contain a hydraulic system with high reaction speed and reliability, have an automatic hydraulic transmission and a new shifting system. The tower with narrower pistons provides the operator with a better view. One of the other advantages of the XF series is the increased cab simplicity and better suspension of the front axle, which ensures less shocks and less noise in the cab. You can customize the equipment of these forklifts according to your wishes and requirements. We offer a lot of additional equipment and below you will find a list of equipment options, or download our product sheet.

If you are interested in more detailed information or would like to prepare a price offer according to your requirements, do not hesitate to contact us.

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